Four Things I Love About Moda Block Heads 4

Reflecting back on this year and all I've done, being part of Moda Block Heads 4 is definitely one of the best! It's my first year to be part of the block designer team and it's been very satisfying. But, there's more and here's why!
  1. I LOVE working with Moda! I've been a Moda designer for many years now and the group of people I work with there are outstanding. It is truly just the right home for my Shibori designs.

  2. I love the monthly blocks designed by the 28 Block Heads 4 designers! This year I'm using my newest collection, Kawa, for the blocks I'm stitching. Each block is just perfect for Kawa and it's been a fun way to introduce you to the beauty of this collection.

    By the way . . . Kawa will be shipping to local quilt shops in September. Be sure to let your LQS know that you want to see it on their shelves! But, if you can't find it, you can always order from my site once it ships. Click here to see the collections I have for you right now. 

  3. I loved designing my own Moda Block Heads block this year! The process of quilt design has been one of my favorite things for the past 15 years. It was an honor and pure pleasure to use those skills to contribute to this year's Block Heads blocks. I've designed my own quilt patterns, but this was something different and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

  4. I love seeing everyone’s interpretation of the various blocks! You are all so creative and it's a joy to see the fabrics you use, the size block you've chosen and the special little spark some of you add to your blocks. Thank you for inspiring me!

If you need more information about Moda Block Heads 4, click here. It's not too late to start!

If you need to back up and make a block you missed, click here for the Block Heads 4 Archive. We're all busy and sometimes a block a week just doesn't work out. Moda thoughtfully gives you a second chance!


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